Pro-Act by VTC

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Pro-Act Training and Development Centres (Pro-Act by VTC) (卓越培訓發展中心) was established in 1984. It provides practical training and professional development solutions to meet the needs of industries and individuals. They offer a diverse mix of programmes and services, ranging from industry-specific training and development programmes, training schemes, trade tests, to corporate training and consultation services. These

programmes cover 10 industries including automotive, electrical, electronics, fashion textiles, gas, jewellery, mechanical, precision engineering, printing and welding, and are provided by the Pro-Act Training and Development Centres located in different VTC Complexes and IVE (Lee Wai Lee). [1] (p.45)

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  1. VTC Calendar (2020-2021). Vocational Training Council Calendar 2020-2021. Retrieved Apr, 2021, from


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